Friday, July 10, 2009

NEW! just for you.

ok. so, it has been a very long while. sorry. here are some recent photos: they're just from my facebook.
and more here!

The first album has the RUF cinco de mayo party and friend and family visits. All good times!!
The second has my trip to telluride. (for the bluegrass festival!) There are an excessive amount of me and cameron, but we are pretty bad at remembering to document us, so we consider it a success. The trip was lovely the people we went with were so fun. However, the world is still broken--I had a 102.2 fever when we got back and realized that "head-ache" that I had attributed to altitude was actually a fever all four days. I also had trouble breathing from all the second hand smoke. Had to pump that inhaler a time or two :( But that information is just so you know telluride is not heaven and don't get too jealous. The trip as a whole had more positives than negatives.
A little funny story...Cam works with high school students and I work with college students so we figured we'd better be "above reproach" and have different tents (which is probably a good idea no matter our occupations but was such a hassle). Because of this we were known around the camp ground as "His and Hers". I think I also heard one couple, who were having a VERY good weekend, refer to us as the mormons. :)

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