Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Blogger isn't nice today.

I wanted to post pictures on here, but its not working. So i put them on facebook and it says I can put this public link-- -- and ya'll can see them from there. I 'm going to do that with my snow album too because it is beautiful. not to brag, its the snow that made it beautiful.

So anyways. Life is fairly good. I have a virus. But its not awful, just makes me cough and sleep a lot. Cameron's been taking care of me and that's fun. I really enjoyed visiting so many people over the break, but I always feel very odd when I return to Fort Collins. I guess because it is so obvious that I live in two different worlds. I have an old life with all the marvelous old people I know and love so well and a new life with all the new people I am enjoying getting to know and love. But that makes me feel funny. I love it when old people come to the new life cause then I feel very grounded and normal. Odd? perhaps.

I'm a little intimidated that the school year is about to start up again. I feel like the break was a complete break, which is good, but my mind is far away from here when I am far away, and I'm beginning to pull it back and remember how excited I have been about this upcoming semester.

I have a boyfriend. Odd? for me, yes. I like him decidedly. But sometimes I feel real wierded out be the whole thing. Usually, though, I can't believe God made someone so very similar to me and who is so kind to me. I've never had anyone be as thoughtful. Anyways you can keep us in your prayers.

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