Thursday, September 25, 2008

a month to the day of my arrival, we went climbing!

This is The Pallace, at Poudre canyon. Only a thirty minute drive from the edge of town. Crazy, right?
Wes and Stef (sweet married people)

Matt. I don't know if this looks as stupid/unsafe as it really was or not. The top of that ledge was about two feet across. Maybe more, but I didn't like the idea of free climbing on it, at all. He's alive and well though so thats a plus.
The colors here make me giddy, and then i start running around so fast that i get really light headed (altitude). But man. Evertime I go out to the mountains I come back with a new awe of God, especially His artistry.

more to come. all the computers i get on, are wierd and i can't find my usb to upload the other images from matt. boo!

1 comment:

Bill Chapman said...

You brought some sweet memories back to your Dad. I am happy you get experience the Rockies and rock climbing. I love you. dad