Thursday, September 25, 2008

a day in the life of a...princess?

One of my Bosses children had a was a Star Wars theme. I got to help, and the morning of said party I went to goodwill to look for a costume. Finding one that looked to me to be a princess dress with a cape, I was excited. I also found some boots. However, the boots were all that i tried on. When i dressed for the party, I realized I had unwittingly purchased a toga. After snippin off the red shoulder throw and adding a waist of gold (which i unknowingly stole from maggie when i moved out...sorry) I made due. I was very dissapointed with the size of my braids though...I thought I had long hair, ya know? This young fellow, made me feel like a success. As he and his mother walked up to the party, he exclaimed "MOM! I know her!!", which made me feel awkward--as I had never met him and his mom was eyeing my funny--until the little lad finished his thought... "That's Princess Leah!!"
Me and the boss. Could be our RUF flyer.... "Is the Force with you?" Come and find out! RUF LSC Room 230

1 comment:

Elenturi said...

I think the dress worked out well and it looks like you all had so much fun.