Friday, August 22, 2008

tid-bits of yesterday


We went to the bike-in again! It's at the New Belgium Brewery. This is some friends loaded down for the trip across town.

Lindsey has the folding loveseat strapped to her back!
(Got a little dangerous when the chair started hitting the spokes on the back tire...)

Erin has a blanket scarf!

Our bikes, Sittin friendly.

You can't really see, but there are lines of bikes leaned against the fence and hundreds of people in between the fence and the screen. Last night it was upwards of 500!

Local huskey driving a VW van across town, with friend in back seat.

Current house of residence.

bed and belongings

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julianna said...

awwww. . .i'm so glad you posted! i miss you and wish you were here to keep me company as i pack--antique roadshow england is on right now --why arent you here?
love you lots!!

Unknown said...

Christy! Glad to see the pictures and hear that you're doing okay. We prayed for you (and the MSU art department!) Sunday night at church! :)